Voom Medical Devices, Inc., is committed to ensuring that our employees, contractors, and distributors conduct themselves in accordance with applicable ethical standards and in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, industry codes, and company policies, including strict prohibitions on bribery, kickbacks, and other corruption-related activities.
As such, Voom Medical Devices endorses and abides by the Advanced Medical Technology Association Code of Ethics on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals (“AdvaMed Code”) designed to promote ethical and appropriate interactions. The AdvaMed Code is available on The Advanced Medical Technology Association’s website.
California Health and Safety Code §§ 119400–119402 Declaration
Voom Medical Devices declares that:
i. We are in the business of designing, manufacturing and selling medical devices. As a medical device manufacturer, we endorse and abide by the AdvaMed Code. In addition, in accordance with the California Marketing Practices Act (California Health and Safety Code §§ 119400-119402, or the “California Statute”), we have further adopted a compliance program incorporating provisions of the AdvaMed Code.
ii. We believe the AdvaMed Code meets the compliance goals set forth in the California Statute. To our knowledge, Voom Medical Devices is, in all material respects, in compliance with the AdvaMed Code, its compliance program, and the requirements of the California Statute as of January 1, 2021. Voom Medical Devices will evaluate and update our compliance program as it becomes necessary and appropriate.
This declaration is made solely for the purpose of compliance with the California Statute referenced above. It should not be interpreted as a declaration of compliance with any other statute or regulation.
If you wish to receive a printed version of this Annual Declaration of Compliance and/or Voom Medical Device’s Code of Conduct, you may contact
Voom Medical Devices fully embraces AdvaMed’s guidance related to ethical business practices and socially responsible industry conduct in healthcare professional interactions and has received AdvaMed certification in support of its Compliance Program.
Intellectual Property
- Pub. No. US 11045239 B2